We would love to add your zines to our library! But... yeah... submission is not free.
Why isn't it free? Because we think the archives and our time is worth a few bucks. Consider it a donation to keep these awesome archives going and to see hundreds more zines from the past put up here to read at any time, in any place, completely free to the world. Your name will be listed in the description as a thank you for your donation and your love of the archives.
Zines sent by mail:
$1 each for the first 20 zines.
50¢ each for every zine after that, even if not sent at the same time.
Please do not send more than 50 at a time, as it takes a tremendous amount of time to scan and upload each one. Try to give us a couple months before sending in another stack. Do not expect to see them uploaded immediately, and if they are being returned, do not expect them to be returned immediately. This process takes a long time. If you want materials returned, include the full cost of return postage or an SASE. Nothing gets returned without full return postage. If you want us to keep them, they will go to a physical zine library that we are in the process of creating. If you have large amounts of zines or an inability to pay the donation price, talk to us, and we'll see what we can do.
Scanned zines:
If you have the time and a good, quality scanner, we will take top-quality, well-cropped scanned copies of the zines, if you want to do the legwork. Please note that the quality needs to be excellent; they need to be readable; pages need to be in order; they need to be cropped; and they need to be submitted in one of two ways:
1. In completed PDF format with all pages in order, or
2. In single page image files for us to make into PDFs.
If sending a completed PDF, there is no charge, whatsoever.
If sending scanned pages for us to compile into PDFs, each page should be a .jpg, .png, or .gif, and MUST BE labeled as Title 1.jpg; Title 2.jpg, Title 3.jpg, etc. Start with the cover as page 1. DO NOT label them cover/table of contents/back cover, etc., just 1, 2, 3, and so on, so there is no doubt as to their page order. There is a 25¢ charge per zine (not per page) for submitting individual page images for all zines less than 30 pages; and a 50¢ charge per zine (not per page) for submitting individual page images for all zines 30+ pages.
PDFs and images can be emailed to us or sent on disk or USB stick. Include any information you know about the zine, such as date, publisher, etc., and please include its dimensions, since we will not have the product to compare or measure. If you want disks or USB sticks returned, be sure to include full return postage or an SASE. Nothing will be returned without return postage.
The DO NOT SEND list: